Gallery Take a lesson with this lovable fella! Say hello! He loves teaching a child about riding! He loves giving children lessons! “My Child’s First Ride” This lovely pair are eager for carrots! This big boy is tacked up and ready to go! Children’s birthday party with horse fun! Best Friends giving lessons! Trail ride at Schabarum Park. Beautiful view on the trail! Having fun on the trail! Carrot time! The horses loves when people book carrot feeding sessions! Look at those happy faces! Nothing beats this view! Our fearless trail boss Karen! This good boy takes such good care of trail riders! Enjoying a ride through the park. Bring your girl/boy scouts down to earn some badges! Having fun during a lesson! Kids always enjoy our horses! In the saddle and ready for the trail! Enjoying a nice carrot feeding! A fun lesson day! We made a new friend! Always happy faces with our horses! The Horses wants you to book a carrot feeding session! Getting excited for a lesson! We love getting some treats! Feeding the boys is so much fun! Hello from our pretty boy! A fun ride! Look at that face! Rides with this little guy are so fun! Such a great lesson horse! Early morning group lesson! We love carrots! So good with kids! Enjoying treats from a new friend! A group excited for their trail ride! Getting ready to get out on a trail ride! Trail bound through beautiful Schabarum Park! Fun family outting! So happy together!